Welcome to the Fandango Ticket Fee Settlement Website.
If You Paid A Convenience Fee To Purchase Electronic Tickets To A Movie In A Movie Theater Located Within New York State From Fandango’s Website, Mobile Phone Application, And/Or Any Other Fandango Owned Or Operated Online Platform From August 29, 2022, To And Through March 11, 2024, You May Be Entitled To A Payment From A Class Action Settlement.
A Settlement has been reached in a class action lawsuit claiming that Defendant Fandango Media, LLC (“Defendant”), failed to timely disclose a convenience fee for online tickets to movie theaters in New York state, in alleged violation of New York Arts and Cultural Affairs Law (“ACAL”) § 25.07(4). Defendant denies that it violated any law, but has agreed to the settlement to avoid the uncertainties and expenses associated with continuing the case.
You are included if you are an individual in the United States who paid a convenience fee to purchase electronic tickets to any movie in any movie theater located within New York state from Fandango’s website, mobile phone application, and/or any other Fandango owned or operated online platform from August 29, 2022, to and through March 11, 2024.
Please read this website and the notice carefully. Your legal rights are affected whether you act, or don’t act.
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